The Family Groove

We’ve finally found it: Our family groove. It’s taken a while, but it’s here. The bond between my son and his dad is all kinds of adorable. The cuddles I get are all too heart melting. The way that he tries to mimic his dad is the kind of thing that parenting moments are made of. 
When we go out as a family, we have a distinct pattern/system where the husband does certain things, and I do certain things, and our kid, is well, just a kid (which means he does an array of things, none of which you really want him to do). The point though, is that we found our groove, and it’s so damn good. Life feels manageable and beautiful at the same time. 
We FINALLY have our night-time routine down to a fine art, where we (usually) eat as a family, play some music (as in the instruments), read bedtime stories, rock bath-time (with MANY bathtime hugs), and finally bedtime. And our mornings are equally as awesome, with a pretty good routine, which mostly consists of my toddler dragging his bag to the top of the stairs – behind the baby gate – and then yelling at us to hurry so he can go to playgroup. How is it possible that my toddler is more time conscious than I am? (A post for another time I guess). 
So if life’s so idyllic what’s the problem? 
Well, in less than three months we’re having our little girl and I’m all kinds of stressed about what this is going to do to our family groove – ya’ feel? While I'm crazy excited to meet this little girl who casually reminds me that she's definitely here with her small pokes and prods from inside my tummy, I'm also scared about what her arrival will mean for the family dynamic (is that wrong?) I mean, it took us so long to get to this point. So when she arrives, do we start from scratch? Will it take another year for us to settle? Or will she fit into the existing groove? And how will my little tot react? And can we just take a minute here to acknowledge that this change is less than THREE MONTHS away. How is that even possible? This pregnancy has just whooshed by (I guess that’s what happens when you’re running after a tot, huh?). 
So, Mama’s of two: It’s doable right? It won’t take us a full year to get the family groove right with another little cherub? Gulp. And if it does, I guess there's always coffee (and wine). 


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