Getting to know Ana Trujic: The Mother

So I'm immensely lucky to know and call Ana Trujic a friend. Seriously, she's a bomb-shell, model, blogger and bad-ass mom to two beautiful little boys. She has somehow kept her fashionista status (and figure) throughout pregnancy, breastfeeding and running after a toddler. I'm in awe of her. Seriously, she ALWAYS looks amazing and just seems to be juggling this mom life with ease. So at one of her playdates I asked her how she manages. Read her answers below:

As a mother, how has your fashion/dress sense changed?
I’ve definitely traded my heels in for sneakers when I received my new Mama title. Running after your toddler in heels is not so glamorous. And I guess, with sneakers comes a more casual look. Sometimes sporty. My heels do still have their place for those rare kid-free nights out. But day-to-day I’m the sneaker lady.

Let's talk about dressing for breastfeeding without looking like a troll: how do you manage to look so stylish all the time whilst still dressing comfortably AND in a breastfeeding friendly manner?
Honestly, I haven’t found it overly hard to dress whilst having to breastfeed. Dresses are usually a no-go since you can’t pull them down to let your ladies out and feed your bub and you definitely can’t pull it up. Lol. So, yes that sucks. On the rare occasion I do find a dress that allows to be pulled down and that’s a super bonus but otherwise I find most of my tops do allow for breastfeeding. A lot of them can be pulled down (‘cos no one likes pulling tops up and exposing the rest of yourself either). It’s really only T-shirt’s that can’t be pulled down but otherwise tank tops or any button ups (because they can be unbuttoned) and most blouses give breastfeeding the green light.

What is your go-to glam product or item when you want to give your overall appearance a bit of a sparkle?
Mac’s Oh Darling, extra dimension skin finish.

A day in the life of Ana: how do you balance momlife, wife life, your modelling career and blogging?
Ah... a day in the life... how do I balance it ? I’m just hanging on to the back of a bumper and being dragged along really. Bwahaha. Joke. But sometimes it feels like it. The momlife takes precedence over everything. then wifelife, then blogging and the modelling has gone from full time to part time. In between being pregnant, breastfeeding and kids getting sick it doesn't leave a lot of time for attending castings or blogging. But I am getting there with getting back to the more regular blogging, since I can blog on my phone from anywhere. I think any parent will tell you what a life changer it is when you have kids. But you get used to it and you get into a new normal (one which leaves very little time for yourself) but lots of time with your needy little creatures that you love more than anything in the world and hey, that’s not too bad.

Your skin is flawless! But as moms, we don't have the luxury of long skin regimes, so what's your go-to secret?
Like you said moms don’t have time for long skin regimes. Literally the only thing I use for my skin is a day and a night cream. And I (almost) always take my make up off before bed.

What is the one thing you have done/said that you never thought you would have before having kids?
I thought my child would never throw a tantrum. Ha ha. Ha ha. Ha ha.

Your figure is amazing! So what's your go-to meal/snack that is filling and easy to make while running around after two humans?
Well, when I’m not eating scraps of leftover food from my tot’s plate, I like to make smoothies. I throw a bunch of veggies and fruit in there. And they are quite filling and also super healthy and pretty quick to make. Always make sure there’s bananas in your smoothie it makes anything taste better. A typical smoothie recipe of mine: spinach, avocado, berries, bananas, apple, pear, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, broccoli and rice/oat milk and/or yoghurt.

What have you learnt since having children?
That you can function on very little to no sleep so basically you’re a super hero. And that’s pretty cool. Haha, ok for real... I guess patience. And maybe every now and then you’re not so patient. But in general you are. You have to be. Kids require a lot of patience. The other big thing I’ve learned (I haven’t mastered it but I’ve levelled up, majorly) is living in the moment. I guess because it’s a non-stop kind of busy, raising little humans you don’t really have time for your mind wandering all over the place and that’s a good thing, it’s good to be present.

Are you fashion conscious about what your kids wear, or does that kind of thing not phase you?Oh totally I am, and who knew dressing boys would be so much fun.

Most embaressing thing that's happened to you as a mom?
Tantrums in shops. We’ve all been there, it’s not fun.

Funniest thing to happen to you as a mom?
Having to go to a bathroom during a function and hand express because you forgot your pump? Is that funny?

What does your ideal family look like to you?
Just a happy and loving one even with everyone’s flaws and quirks and imperfections. As long as there’s love and laughter. And I can proudly say we definitely have that in our home.

Husband fashion - do you weigh in on what he wears daily?
Surprisingly not. I have a hubby who is very fashion conscious all on his own and who owns more pairs of shoes than I do. So he dresses himself.

You can find out more about Ana by reading her blog: or find her on Instagram @anatrujic or follow her blog on FB: Mom.Fashioned by Ana Trujic


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