The big O-N-E

I'm having all the feels. This week my little boy is 11 months old and somehow in this period he has morphed from a baby to a little boy. I don't know when that exactly happened, in fact I feel like I just blinked and there you go, my colicky little baby has become a strong-willed, smiley little boy.

And so we have begun planning his first birthday party. Family only? Friends and Family? Or Everyone? Each one of these has their pros and cons, but more importantly why is turning one such a big deal to us? I mean, it's not as if my little tyke is even going to remember this, so what gives?

Many other cultures watch the first birthday come and go without batting an eyelash. So, for real, when did it become such a production?

Cakes| Balloons| Jumping Castle| Soft Play| Baby Pools| Ball Pits| Ice Cream Trucks| Photographer| Streamers| Themed Plates| Themed Napkins| Party Packs| Adult Party Packs| Messy Play area| And the list goes on.

So what gives? Now this is difficult for me to admit, but if I'm being honest (soul-searchingly honest) the birthday is probably more about us as parents. Now that sounds selfish, but it's true. Why the big celebration?
To celebrate that we survived the first year of parenthood, And. It. Was. Hard.
To celebrate that we kept that small little being alive and prevented him from fatally injuring himself (many times).
To celebrate the sleepless nights.
To celebrate the small wins (that only parents know) throughout the year.
To celebrate the surviving and adjusting of the new family dynamic.
To celebrate the adaption of self in adopting the title of 'parent'.
And yes, to celebrate the milestone of turning one (the first of many).

Let's not forget the importance of the photographs - because this chaotic moment in our lives is temporary, and we need to document that sh*t. Also - one day, you'll look back at those photos and curse yourself for ever thinking you weren't skinny.

There are only a handful of birthday parties that you as the parent get to throw where you pick the theme - and that, right there is golden. The first birthday fits into this category, so if you can - go all out.

So yes, the first birthday party is probably more about me than my little boy, but I'm owning that. I will wholeheartedly celebrate the survival of my first year as a mom, because it has been the most glorious, chaotic, wonderful and challenging thing to ever happen to me.


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